Monday, May 13, 2013


                        ARUGAM  BAY  .................
Arugam bay is located at the "end of the road" on the East Coast of Sri Lanka. If you're after remote rural life with all the atmosphere of jungle and adventure this is the place for you. there is no throughfare through our village, and once there it is very hard to leave.!
The village of Arugam Bay is 5km south of Pottuvil and on the edge of Yala East National Park.
Arugam bay is a place for surfers , watersports freaks and wildlife aficionados with cheap to reasonable priced hotels and guesthouses.
Unfortunately Arugam bay is on its way to become a major tourist destination, so you better hurry up while its still laid-back and original.

Arugam Bay is listed as one of the top ten surf points in the world. Situated on the southeast of Sri Lanka , Arugam bay receives the same Antarctic winter swells that hit Indonesia's southern shores in the middle of the year.The best time of the year for surf is between May and November when the predominant wind is offshore for at least the first half of the day.

Whether you want to dine on the beach in view of the sea or watch the world pass by from a sidewalk cafe, the cuisine of Arugam Bay offers just what you're looking for.A stroll along Main Street will take you past many traditional Sri Lankan restaurants serving some of the best rice and curry on the island.

You'll find a variety of accommodation in Arugam Bay with something suitable for every budget.Many of the hotels are small guesthouse.

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